What are EEOICPA benefits?
EEOICPA stands for: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program The Department of Labor (DOL), Office of Worker Compensation Programs,...
2 min read
Trusted Ally Staff : Jul 3, 2024 11:37:05 AM
If you or a loved one worked at one of the 6 covered locations in Texas in the nuclear or uranium industries and became sick, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $400,000 plus free medical care in the comfort of your own home through the EEOICPA program.
In Texas this includes employees who worked at:
So many home healthcare companies are owned by large investment groups who use contracted nurses.
Trusted Ally is different.
We remain family-owned and operated with Skilled Nurses who are employees, not contractors. We are the only home healthcare agency owned and operated by the great-granddaughter of a former nuclear worker.
So for us, it’s personal.
“We started Trusted Ally to carry on the legacy of my great-grandfather Johney by helping other former workers like him. Trusted Ally is more than a business to us, providing outstanding care is personal.”
— Candace Honeywell, CEO & Co-Founder
Fighting for the rights of himself and his fellow workers, Johney was among the first to file a class-action lawsuit against the Department of Energy, leading to the creation of the EEOICPA program. Johney was a nuclear and iron worker, stationed at three nuclear sites over his long career: The Nevada Test Site, Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Ohio and the Hanford Site in Washington.
After witnessing the positive impact that personalized in-home healthcare had on his quality of life, Trusted Ally was founded in 2011 on the mission to enrich the lives of all former energy site workers by ensuring they receive the proper care and benefits they are entitled to by law.
Texas is a designated Uranium Worker State meaning certain uranium industry employment is covered under the RECA program throughout the entire state.
While RECA is currently expired, those already approved for the program will receive their benefits and we can help maximize those benefits.
No matter how your benefits were classified in the program, anyone already approved by the system will have access to the full approved benefits. We are confident that this expiration does not mark the end of the program.
If you or a loved one worked in the nuclear or uranium industries and became sick, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $400,000 plus free medical care in the comfort of your own home.
Your pathway to care starts with Trusted Ally Home Care. Get started today and let us guide you through the process of receiving the care you or a loved one deserves.
EEOICPA stands for: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program The Department of Labor (DOL), Office of Worker Compensation Programs,...
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EEOICPA survivor benefits are included in Part E of the program Part E of the EEOICPA program provides financial support to the loved ones of former...