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What are EEOICPA Survivor Benefits?

2 min read

What are EEOICPA Survivor Benefits?

EEOICPA survivor benefits are included in Part E of the program Part E of the EEOICPA program provides financial support to the loved ones of former...

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Is Rocky Flats really safe now? What Colorado residents should know.

3 min read

Is Rocky Flats really safe now? What Colorado residents should know

Colorado residents are deeply concerned about whether the new housing developments and hiking trails in the area of the former nuclear weapons...

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Trusted Ally is now open in Texas for EEOICPA and RECA benefits

2 min read

Trusted Ally is now open in Texas for EEOICPA and RECA benefits

If you or a loved one worked at one of the 6 covered locations in Texas in the nuclear or uranium industries and became sick, you may be entitled to...

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The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) Has Now Expired: What Happens Next?

3 min read

The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) has now expired: What happens next?

From the 1940s to the 1960s, the United States conducted nuclear tests fueled by uranium mining and processing. This exposed tens of thousands of...

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Climax Uranium Mill, Grand Junction, Colorado

1 min read

Climax Uranium Mill, Grand Junction, Colorado

This processing site, historically known as the Climax Uranium Mill, was in west central Colorado. Once a sugar beet mill in 1899, it was transformed...

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What are RECA benefits

1 min read

What are RECA benefits?

RECA stands for: Radiation Exposure Compensation Act The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) is a program designed to address claims related...

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What are EEOICPA benefits

1 min read

What are EEOICPA benefits?

EEOICPA stands for: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program The Department of Labor (DOL), Office of Worker Compensation Programs,...

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